Dan lowongan yang pakai email gratisan bisa lihat di sini, lebih hati-hati mengirimkan CV-nya yah, ga tau seperti contoh SCAM di sini or bukan :(
Bekerja salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk beribadah, maka carilah tempat ibadah yang cukup baik :)
Karena batasan dari Blogger cuma 50 posting/hari, maka gw buat blog ini sebagai lanjutan dari ini.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fw: [iklankerja] Lowongan customer sevice and teller


-----Original Message-----
From: "Recruitment DGS" <recruitmentdgs@dutagriyasarana.com>

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:52:50
To:<ekonomi-syariah@yahoogroups.com>, <iklankerja@yahoogroups.com>, <:vacancy@yahoogroups.com>, <1st_vacancy-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, <bursakarir@yahoogroups.com>, <bursa-lowongan@yahoogroups.com>, <buletinlowongan@yahoogroups.com>, <bursa_kerja@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [iklankerja] Lowongan customer sevice and teller

Syariah Career Center

Our clients reputable Syariah Banking Institutions in Jakarta are currently seeking highly caliber candidate to work in their offices in Jakarta as:


Required Qualifications and Skills:

* Minimum D3 from a reputable university with GPA > 2.75
* Max 25 years old
* Minimum heigt,  160 cm for female and 165 for male with proporsional weight
* Having experience at least 1 years as Cashier  or Teller in banking industry
* Have good product knowledge and understanding on daily banking operation/service practices
* Demonstrate high service orientation, good judgment and problem solving skills
* Have good communication skill
* PC literate, high accuracy , risk focus and attention to detail
* Well groomed and attractive personality
* Proficiency in reading, writing and speaking good English
* Willing to work or relocate in all branches
* Has a Sharia knowledge

Please send comprehensive resume along with contact telephone number and recent photograph
Email : arif@dutagriyasarana.com ; hrd@dutagriyasarana.com
Please put position code in your email subject.

All applications will be treated in highest confidentiality and only short-listed candidates will be notified.


Mailist ini khusus buat yang mau cari kerja dan share info lowongan kerja.


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